Everything we perceive is experience. Experience is the only way we learn, and is the whole purpose of life and evolution. It is not getting somewhere, it is enjoying the ride. Everything we experience has purpose, be it perceived as “good” or “bad”. Definitions of good and bad are relative, when we see the purpose of experience to learn, expand and grow. Duality (darkness and light) in itself is the illusion. With our free will, we decide whether we engage in the drama or whether we perceive it with relativity. (See “Law of Attention“). It is our conditioning and our beliefs which give meaning to something that is meaningless in itself. Acceptance of this fact helps to remain in a neutral state.
The universe and everything in it is always in energetic balance, the only difference is our attitude and how we operate energetically (see “Law of Conservation & Vibration“). Treating and processing our emotion with an empowered attitude leads to automatic transformation.
Forgiveness and gratitude are of high frequency. They give us the key to appreciate all of our experiences as necessary (see “Law of Attraction/Synchronization“).
<< Everything is experience
<< Everything has purpose
<< Duality (good and bad, darkness and light) is an illusion
<< Acceptance helps to stay in a neutral state
<< The universe and everything in it is always in balance
<< Forgiveness and gratitude are key to appreciating all experiences and to transformation of frequency
*ART by 愚木混株CDD20